Friday, 4 July 2014

Benefits of Hosted Dialer Technology provides solutions for hosted dialing including a predctive dialer and an auto dialer system that will help you in many ways.
Before we go into the benefits of using a hosted dialer, it is important to know exactly what hosted dialer technology consists of. A hosted dialer uses an Advanced Adaptive Algorithm, Voice Over Internet Protocol, and Cloud Technology to run a predictive dialer or auto dialer program over the Internet. This means that you will not have to purchase any hardware or software to run a call center campaign. All you have to do is sign into the website and the provider's servers protect and hold onto your data, such as your leads and campaigns.
The benefits of using a hosted dialer system are numerous and include:
Faster Connections - Gone are the days of needing to manually dial numbers out of the phone book to generate leads. Our system uses the predictive dialing and auto dialing platforms to increase the number of people you can contact. With the predictive dialer you can make as many as 5 calls simultaneously per agent; and with the auto dialer you can broadcast as many as 5,000 voice messages per minute.

Quality Connections - You will be able to spend more time talking directly to clients and leads and minimize your downtime significantly. By not having to worry about how many connections you make each day or each hour you and your agents will be able to focus on how you can improve your interactions and implement the latest strategies at your discretion.

Better Metrics - Part of the package you receive from Vioteck is the ability to view real-time reports through the web-based interface. You can see in real-time exactly what is proving to be successful in your campaigns and what needs improvement.

Lead and Campaign Management - With the web-based interface you can easily manage leads and campaigns from an interface that includes the ability to create custom dispositions and much more.

Run Non-Profit Campaigns - The auto dialer in particular is exceptionally good at this. Broadcasting voice messages to raise funds and build awareness for political candidates is one way that you can use the system. You can also use the program to build awareness and raise funds for your charitable organization as well. A voice broadcast campaign can be created for cities, towns, and municipalities to broadcast warnings about any potential storms or disasters headed your way and protect your residents.
You can find out what about the benefits a hosted dialer can offer you by signing up for a free trial account and experiencing all of these benefits and more for yourself.
With all of the benefits that using a hosted dialer can have for you it is amazing that you haven't tried one before. You can sign up for an account from  today and receive special offers, including 20% for life, and a free trial account. You won't have to wait for service either, which is another benefit of a hosted dialer. Within about 24 hours of our receipt of a service request you can be running call campaigns. Add to that that our setup, startup, support and training services are free and you have an unbeatable system.

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